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How to convert pdf to powerpoint


It’s one thing to have all the information you need, but it’s another to present it in a way that works for your audience. Sometimes, however, you find the information exactly how you need it, but in a PDF format. One thing the PDF format cannot do (yet) is to animate the content so that the information is only displayed when the presenter desires. Thus, you need to make some changes.

As you know, Microsoft PowerPoint offers presenters helpful tools for controlling exactly when information appears, and in what order. Often, presenters deliver a 

 dynamic presentation that hits the mark, and generally, they’ll use PowerPoint to make that happen. You’ve certainly seen the results, but still, 

Kofax Power PDF vs Adobe Acrobathave the problem of getting the information you have into an easy-to-edit PowerPoint format for your presentations.

This is where Kofax Power PDF enters the picture. We give you the power tool necessary for converting PDFs into PowerPoint presentations. From there, you can expertly control when the information appears so that your presenters can make a big impact on your audience. Read through the simple process to convert such documents.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting PDFs to PowerPoint with Power PDF

You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to convert documents into presentations with the help of Power PDF:

  1. Open Power PDF.
  2. Open the PDF file that you want to convert.
  3. Select ‘PowerPoint Presentation’ in the Home section of the navigation ribbon.
  4. Select the location to save your new presentation.
  5. Click ‘OK’ to save the new file.

With little more than a few clicks, you’re successfully converting PDFs into PowerPoint presentations. What’s more, you have retained all the formatting, tables, and data in its various locations. Power PDF faithfully converts the data and any other relevant information that you need to preserve.


The many ways that power pdf can simplify your work

Consider the many instances you’ve found PDFs that contain the information you need to present. Whether they are internal documents that your company has previously produced, or they are documents submitted by your clients, you’ll still need to work with the information contained therein. If those you work with have already painstakingly arranged the information in the most suitable layout, it’s wasteful to expend valuable employee time replicating it manually.

Instead, use Power PDF technology for converting PDFs to any format you desire. Thus, we can help you turn that PDF starting-point into a PowerPoint presentation that only needs to be animated. This technology can save your company and your team dozens of hours every time you need a presentation. You’ll have the capacity for converting PDFs securely on your computer and servers. There’s simply no need to upload documents to a third-party cloud where your data may be vulnerable.

We can help whether you need to convert complex layouts without losing any formatting or simply retain text boxes in the correct locations. Our software is designed to help your staff by converting PDFs to PowerPoint, Excel, Word, and more. Let Power PDF put you in command of the data you in any format you require.

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